Bill (on the right, between the policeman and the step ladder) working with Yoko Ono in Trafalgar Square, in the Summer of 1967. Yoko, with Bill’s help, was wrapping the lions at the base of Nelson’s column, in a highly publicized performance seen live on British TV.

At Nigel Greenwood Gallery, London, 1970

At Nigel Greenwood Gallery, London, 1970

In London studio, 1983
Photo: Robin Guild

On 42nd Street, New York, 1986
Photo: Abe Frajndlich

Shoe shine, 42nd St., 1986
Photo: Abe Frajndlich

At Howley’s Bar West 14th Street, NYC, 1986

Times Square, New York, 1986 - study for Incident on 42nd St (1988)

New York Studio, 1988
Photo: Abe Frajndlich

Sketching in Central Park, 1989
Photo: Abe Frajndlich

Drawing in Central Park, 1990
Photo: Abe Frajndlich

Working on The Battle of Tompkins Square, 1990
Photo: Abe Frajndlich

Exhibition at Marlborough Gallery, 1990

Coney Island Boardwalk, 1991
Photo: Abe Frajndlich

In the Studio, NYC, 1992
Photo: Abe Frajndlich

Museum of Modern Art, Oxford, Survey of New York Paintings, 1992

Giving a talk at the China Club, Hong Kong, with Governor Chris Patten, 1996

At Marlborough Gallery, 2008
Photo: Dennis Toff

Allen Jones curating a room at the RA with Bill’s Grand Central painting, 2010

With Michael Peppiatt in London, 2011

With Michael Peppiatt and Jill Lloyd in London, 2011

Newport Studio, Rhode Island, 2011
Photo: Stephen Lirakis

Bill in front of Hot Legs, 2011
Photo: Stephen Lirakis

Bill in his New York studio, 2011
Photo: Jason Bell (from An Englishman in New York)

Bill with Prosper Devas and Allen Jones in the Chelsea Arts Club garden, 2013

With Nancy Campbell at the RA lecture room, 2016

Working the press at the Newport Studio, 2015
Photo: Stephen Lirakis

Working the paint at the Westport Studio, 2016
Photo: Chris Cramer

Waiting to deliver a lecture at the British Institute, Florence, 2016

In conversation with Sting about An Englishman in New York at Rizzoli, New York, 2016

With Sting at an Englishman in New York book signing at Rizzolis, New York, 2016

Sting and Chris Boti playing “An Englishman in New York” for Bill Jacklin at a book signing at Rizzoli, New York, 2016

With Peter Blake at the William Morris Museum, Walthamstow, London, 2017

Working on a monotype at the Contemporary Print Centre, CT, 2016

At the Connecticut Studio, 2016
Photo: Miggs Boroughs

At the Contemporary Print Center CT 2017
Photo: Paul DeRuvo

Pulling a print with Simon at Paupers Press, London, 2017

Hanging the Royal Academy Summer Show, 2017

With Janet Russo at the Royal Academy, 2017

Jasmine Jacklin at the Royal Academy Summer show, 2018

With Janet Russo and Jasmine Jacklin at the Royal Academy party, 2018

With Trudie Styler at the Royal Academy Dinner, 2018

At the Mezzanine Gallery in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, with Director Laura Einstein, 2018

At the Ritz with Fiona San Giuliano before the Royal Academy Dinner, 2019
Bill in his Rhode Island studio
Photo: Boris Apple
Bill in his Rhode Island print studio
Photo: Boris Apple
Bill walking past Feast (2019)
Photo: Boris Apple
Bill in his Rhode Island studio
Photo: Boris Apple

In front of the Royal Academy, 2019

Bill (on the right, between the policeman and the step ladder) working with Yoko Ono in Trafalgar Square, in the Summer of 1967. Yoko, with Bill’s help, was wrapping the lions at the base of Nelson’s column, in a highly publicized performance seen live on British TV.
At Nigel Greenwood Gallery, London, 1970
At Nigel Greenwood Gallery, London, 1970
In London studio, 1983
Photo: Robin Guild
On 42nd Street, New York, 1986
Photo: Abe Frajndlich
Shoe shine, 42nd St., 1986
Photo: Abe Frajndlich
At Howley’s Bar West 14th Street, NYC, 1986
Times Square, New York, 1986 - study for Incident on 42nd St (1988)
New York Studio, 1988
Photo: Abe Frajndlich
Sketching in Central Park, 1989
Photo: Abe Frajndlich
Drawing in Central Park, 1990
Photo: Abe Frajndlich
Working on The Battle of Tompkins Square, 1990
Photo: Abe Frajndlich
Exhibition at Marlborough Gallery, 1990
Coney Island Boardwalk, 1991
Photo: Abe Frajndlich
In the Studio, NYC, 1992
Photo: Abe Frajndlich
Museum of Modern Art, Oxford, Survey of New York Paintings, 1992
Giving a talk at the China Club, Hong Kong, with Governor Chris Patten, 1996
At Marlborough Gallery, 2008
Photo: Dennis Toff
Allen Jones curating a room at the RA with Bill’s Grand Central painting, 2010
With Michael Peppiatt in London, 2011
With Michael Peppiatt and Jill Lloyd in London, 2011
Newport Studio, Rhode Island, 2011
Photo: Stephen Lirakis
Bill in front of Hot Legs, 2011
Photo: Stephen Lirakis
Bill in his New York studio, 2011
Photo: Jason Bell (from An Englishman in New York)
Bill with Prosper Devas and Allen Jones in the Chelsea Arts Club garden, 2013
With Nancy Campbell at the RA lecture room, 2016
Working the press at the Newport Studio, 2015
Photo: Stephen Lirakis
Working the paint at the Westport Studio, 2016
Photo: Chris Cramer
Waiting to deliver a lecture at the British Institute, Florence, 2016
In conversation with Sting about An Englishman in New York at Rizzoli, New York, 2016
With Sting at an Englishman in New York book signing at Rizzolis, New York, 2016
Sting and Chris Boti playing “An Englishman in New York” for Bill Jacklin at a book signing at Rizzoli, New York, 2016
With Peter Blake at the William Morris Museum, Walthamstow, London, 2017
Working on a monotype at the Contemporary Print Centre, CT, 2016
At the Connecticut Studio, 2016
Photo: Miggs Boroughs
At the Contemporary Print Center CT 2017
Photo: Paul DeRuvo
Pulling a print with Simon at Paupers Press, London, 2017
Hanging the Royal Academy Summer Show, 2017
With Janet Russo at the Royal Academy, 2017
Jasmine Jacklin at the Royal Academy Summer show, 2018
With Janet Russo and Jasmine Jacklin at the Royal Academy party, 2018
With Trudie Styler at the Royal Academy Dinner, 2018
At the Mezzanine Gallery in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, with Director Laura Einstein, 2018
At the Ritz with Fiona San Giuliano before the Royal Academy Dinner, 2019
Bill in his Rhode Island studio
Photo: Boris Apple
Bill in his Rhode Island print studio
Photo: Boris Apple
Bill walking past Feast (2019)
Photo: Boris Apple
Bill in his Rhode Island studio
Photo: Boris Apple
In front of the Royal Academy, 2019